Saturday, February 26, 2011

Muhammad Izmeer Aiman Bin Mokhtar!!!

Lelaki ini! lelaki ini! aku panggil dia Izmeera(baru ja tadi!)!
hua hua hua.
dia ni..... dia pelik sioootttttt! dia cakap aku pelik!
tapi dia 16 kuasa 8 lagi pelik dari aku!
He's Personality that I've known so far:

- stupid
-brilliant in maths & addmaths
- trustworthy
- faithful
- caring
- cat-tish
- a gentleman
- a supporter
- a guy that won't take a girls money
- stubborn
- always day dreaming
- a great guy
- an awesome guy
- a funny guy
- he'll be there for you if you needed help, i'm sure ;)
- he's height~(awesome)
- he's just like one of us

overall... i'm glad i met you ;). praying to God you'll deserve better.