Sunday, February 27, 2011


This is my beloved kakcik! people
just call her Syiqin, that's more friendly 'ight?
I love her doh~ she is the most, one and only brilliant person
i've ever known. it's like she have a camera in her head that
she won't need to look at what she read many times(Photoscopic memory..duhhh -.-')
She love to help me! and that's because I always ask(more like force though) to help me!
and she would help so willingly! hemmo hemmo hemmo

You see, my blog here... she's the one who design it~ oooyeaaahhhh!
She is HOT! tssssss... HAHA
she's hurt. but every time when she's with me, she would be as happy as hell~ muahaha
why? because i'm her 'terbaek' adik as well as you say it ;P
oh yeah. to that asshole who hurt her. go kick your own balls will you?

p/s: I love you kakcik :D

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