There are absolutely no other weeks that was so freakishly not fun
like this one. It was the March test for SMK Putrajaya P8(1)...
and one more time! I'M A FORM 4 STUDENT! oooooyeaaahhhhh.
the test was not quite easy. especially for Account,
i just HATE the facts that i can't answer it -.-'
addmaths my favorite over all of those subject~ haha.
I receive an A for that subject :P. kehkehkeh...
Alhamdulillah thank you Allah :)
So tonight, Saturday night... i've been skyping with Izmeer Aduka
(ceh name nak hebat, haha)AND! the one and Only
My Kak Khairin Sayang <3!

awesome senior i've ever met let me tell you that.
she's my back bone :D. hehe akak! you rock my mind!
(The skype box when I was skyping with her)
(and this is just me fb-ing with nazren :])