we had a fun time dowh!
dah lame aku tunggu saat niyh!ceyh!
i went to her house about 11-12.30
like then we went to alamanda, emira's mom
sent us there...sampai2 je kiteorang teros
pergi beli ticket wayang dekat GSC...first2
kiteorang beli ticket Drag Me To Hell then pegi
Burger King.Makan Set 1 medium if im not mistaken!
haha~makan,tangkap gmbr,confession,laugh of course!wajib!
then lepas makan koteorng keluar dari alamanda...
kami duduk di luar..seronok!kami sedang menunggu seseorang
untuk tiba dan pergi menonton!skema much!haha
after that, kiteorang tros pergi GSC...time nak masuk 2
x lepas sebab crite 2 for 18 above..haish!redho je..habis duit!
tapi x pe...kami menonton cerite lain...
best you!i love all the character in there!especially BOB!
huhu~its the blue one!comel je dye!haha
lepas tengok movie 2...kami pergi ke body shop cause i wanna
buy a new perfume! huhu then pergi Mcd beli aiskrim and lepak
kat luar alam sambil tunggu my abg n sis...
emira!i have to admit it! friday was fun!it's out first time
hang out together just the two of us! LOVE YOU EMira!huhu