Don't know why I fall for you and now want to CRY because i don't want
to get hurt no more but BECAUSE OF love i stand out another day.
Sometimes i want to have you to myself and hold you. I don't want to
have to bear it any longer. I take just one more step to you and call out
to you again. I want to want you, but I'm afraid that your love and that
person that's protecting you now would see me, today too i cover up
my heart and just cry. Even if i try to bear you, I CAN'T BEAR IT and i
can't bear it ANYMORE. Whenever i open my eyes, I'm searching for YOU.
Even if i try to hide myself, I always tell myself that i don't have the
courage to do that...I can't explain this feeling. I think about it everyday
And even though we've moved on, It gets harder to walk away....
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
pocket full of sun shine:)
salam blog!heeeeeeeee=D
lme nye x mnulis...rindu2...
huhu~anda ape khbr?sihat?huhu
okaiii!so...after the fight between me
and B...we get along agian happy!
but i kinda feel sad a bit though...but forget about that!
im still feeling happi!huhu!!!
so after the fight...last week, we apologize face to face to ourself..
and we get along better that before i guest..huhu..i love it when
we get to be like we use to!huhu~

okeyh so.. about the KWN...we sent our proposal on last wednesday..
i hope we get it though!AMIN! huhu~im so afraid though....
but i think we can win..cause our proposal is kinda intresting!heeee=D
but...if!IF! we did'nt win...we're still gonna do the video as a memory
for us to remember the thing that we do if one of us going to move...sob~sob~

lme nye x mnulis...rindu2...
huhu~anda ape khbr?sihat?huhu
okaiii!so...after the fight between me
and B...we get along agian happy!
but i kinda feel sad a bit though...but forget about that!
im still feeling happi!huhu!!!
so after the fight...last week, we apologize face to face to ourself..
and we get along better that before i guest..huhu..i love it when
we get to be like we use to!huhu~
i hope we get it though!AMIN! huhu~im so afraid though....
but i think we can win..cause our proposal is kinda intresting!heeee=D
but...if!IF! we did'nt win...we're still gonna do the video as a memory
for us to remember the thing that we do if one of us going to move...sob~sob~
-in love-
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I don't want to get hurt no more :(
Salam are you?are you ok?im fine thx...but kinda sad...
I actually kinda lazy to write anything...but i miss you,
so im gonna write this..So it's about me and my new crush 'B'
since we're in the same group of japaneseand KWN(kid's witness news)
we actually spent much time together...
Until last Friday...when he said
"weyh mariam, klu ko ade pape nak ckp kat aku ckp je tau"
aku sesangatlah kebluran time 2...aku tnye dye
ape mksd dye...dye x nak jwp..dye wat aku cam org bdh er!
smpi la S ckp kat aku ape mksd dye...
so lps aku tau ape mksd dye...hri isnin 2 mmg aku ignore dye..
dye cam prasan aku ignore dye, so dye try pjk aku...
tpi aku x lyn sbb ape dye wat kat aku hri jumaat 2 mnyaktkan aku...
pas 2 bile stayback ptg 2 plak...aku ngan dye syp er!ktrng x ckp lngsng!
pas dah nak dkt blk 2...aku tnye dye..."sbnrnye aku x ske au kte cni..."
pas 2 dye jwb, "aku pon x ske, tpi ko la wat psl dlm kls tdi...skt hti tau x?"
pas 2 aku sym then ckp..."hbs ape yg ko wat kat aku hri jumaat hri 2 sdp sgt r?ko wat aku cam org bdh tua x?!lgi skt kot!" pas 2 dye sym je...
then dye ckp kat aku "dah r..ko lpe kan je la ape yg aku ckp hri 2...lpe kan je" then aku ckp.."igt sng ke nak ke nak lpe kan?! aku sbnrnye
da tau ape mksd ko...S da g tau~" "ko da tau eik?okeyh skang aku nak tau btl ke x...aku nak tau dri ko sndri bab aku dngr bnde ni sme dri mlt org len..aku x puas hti, aku nak dngr dri ko sndri"
then aku ckp la.."ko igt bnde ni sng ke?bnde ni bkn cam plh
dsgn bju tau, bnde ni terlbt ngan prasaan tau x?!" then dye just sym n ckp "aku tau..tpi aku just nak tau "pas 2 aku da geram aku ckp "mslhnye...klu aku g tau jwpn dye ko nak wat pe?
ko wat bdh je an?bek x yah~" pas 2 dye ckp "ape ko nak aku wat?"
skt hti kot!dye wat aku cam mrh er!aigooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
klu x dek org len kat stu mmg aku da ngs da..
pas 2...aku mmg x ckp ngan dye da...aku ckp abg aku da smpi then blah~
mmg aku sdh r...sbnrnye...cte dye pnjng g...but, im not gonna
write the rest...sry...
I actually kinda lazy to write anything...but i miss you,
so im gonna write this..So it's about me and my new crush 'B'
since we're in the same group of japaneseand KWN(kid's witness news)
we actually spent much time together...
Until last Friday...when he said
"weyh mariam, klu ko ade pape nak ckp kat aku ckp je tau"
aku sesangatlah kebluran time 2...aku tnye dye
ape mksd dye...dye x nak jwp..dye wat aku cam org bdh er!
smpi la S ckp kat aku ape mksd dye...
so lps aku tau ape mksd dye...hri isnin 2 mmg aku ignore dye..
dye cam prasan aku ignore dye, so dye try pjk aku...
tpi aku x lyn sbb ape dye wat kat aku hri jumaat 2 mnyaktkan aku...
pas 2 bile stayback ptg 2 plak...aku ngan dye syp er!ktrng x ckp lngsng!
pas dah nak dkt blk 2...aku tnye dye..."sbnrnye aku x ske au kte cni..."
pas 2 dye jwb, "aku pon x ske, tpi ko la wat psl dlm kls tdi...skt hti tau x?"
pas 2 aku sym then ckp..."hbs ape yg ko wat kat aku hri jumaat hri 2 sdp sgt r?ko wat aku cam org bdh tua x?!lgi skt kot!" pas 2 dye sym je...
then dye ckp kat aku "dah r..ko lpe kan je la ape yg aku ckp hri 2...lpe kan je" then aku ckp.."igt sng ke nak ke nak lpe kan?! aku sbnrnye
da tau ape mksd ko...S da g tau~" "ko da tau eik?okeyh skang aku nak tau btl ke x...aku nak tau dri ko sndri bab aku dngr bnde ni sme dri mlt org len..aku x puas hti, aku nak dngr dri ko sndri"
then aku ckp la.."ko igt bnde ni sng ke?bnde ni bkn cam plh
dsgn bju tau, bnde ni terlbt ngan prasaan tau x?!" then dye just sym n ckp "aku tau..tpi aku just nak tau "pas 2 aku da geram aku ckp "mslhnye...klu aku g tau jwpn dye ko nak wat pe?
ko wat bdh je an?bek x yah~" pas 2 dye ckp "ape ko nak aku wat?"
skt hti kot!dye wat aku cam mrh er!aigooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
klu x dek org len kat stu mmg aku da ngs da..
pas 2...aku mmg x ckp ngan dye da...aku ckp abg aku da smpi then blah~
mmg aku sdh r...sbnrnye...cte dye pnjng g...but, im not gonna
write the rest...sry...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
OMG!My BirthDay!
okeyh!today is my birthday...
1.april.1995! im so excited for today ouh!
mmg smgt gle! hri ni
kat sklh best gle! to me la~untk yg len tada tau ma!
so awl2 pgi aku smpi sklh tdi...kwn2 aku sme
da kmpl kat stu tmpt da, aku smpi je...
la lgi...smpi nad dye nyanyi...sme ikot!rioh kot!ahaha
time dlm kelas plak...aku pgi tmpt aku dlu...
then kat dpn aku ade daryl(he's nice i love him!)
hahhahaha...aku smpi je...dye pon
"MARIAM!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" i just say thank you!heeeeeeeeXD
pas aina tu plak msk....dye msk je tros ah!
kat dpn pntu kls g..."Mariam!Happy Birthday!"
hbs sme bdk lki dlm kls aku dngr dye org pon
jerit happy birthday kat aku!happy gle kot!!!
ahahhahahahaha!thanx guys!love you all!
pas 2 time koko lgi best!bengong je sme!
ktrng skip permainan sbb nak reka baju
for students exchange program 2 nti...
so...for my birthday present...Daryl
promise me that he's gonna sing for me!
when i heard he sings...OMG!!!im about to
melted!!!he's voice is..well nice!love it!
thanx daryl!!!your my brother i love yah!
so time reka baju tu lak... sme nye cam
bengong je..nak bgi idea pon ssh ma!
krng sme memekak je!!!skt hti kot!
aku ngan ipin redho je tgk krng! bengang tau x?!
aku mrh krng nak soh diam nad lak ckp
aku emo!pehal lak?!aku nak soh org yg x dek
kne mngene 2 blah dri wat bsg wat skt hti er!
tpi aku plk au...time ktrng reka baju 2,
tetibe je ex-X aku yg x prnh betegor sape
since last year tetibe je tego aku!ape hal ngan
hri ni?! byk ngat bnde pelik & menggembirakan
aku terjadi!wah!ahahahhaha!
hmmm....ignore la psl 2...x pe la...
lps reka baju 2....walaupon ktrng x
dpt reka pape pon...ktrng akn jmpe g
ptg time org x ramai lak..
bru okai skt!wah!!!ahaha
So after that...ktrng pgi kat beg ktrng...
rpe-rpenye, iqin bwk tepong kot!!!
dye ngan aisyah kejar aku stu perhimpunan!
aku pecut kot!ahahaha!first time kot
aku lri laju gle!!!ahahahaaha!!!plk wo!!!ahahah
tetibe lak lps aku lri 2..ade bdk form 4
tnye nme aku...plk kot!ahahahha
so disebabkan drng x dpt tngkp aku hri ni...
drng cdng nak wat party ptg esk lak...
habis la aku!!!omma!!!shiro yo!!!aigooooo!!!
lps sme bnde 2..ktrng pon nak blk...
time ktrng nak trn tangge 2...iqin
pon g tau aku yg crush aku tngh pndng aku...
rpe2nye ade kwn aku ckp...time aku lari 2...
geng drng pndng je aku...malu kot!!!argghhhh!!!
1.april.1995! im so excited for today ouh!
mmg smgt gle! hri ni
kat sklh best gle! to me la~untk yg len tada tau ma!
so awl2 pgi aku smpi sklh tdi...kwn2 aku sme
da kmpl kat stu tmpt da, aku smpi je...
la lgi...smpi nad dye nyanyi...sme ikot!rioh kot!ahaha
time dlm kelas plak...aku pgi tmpt aku dlu...
then kat dpn aku ade daryl(he's nice i love him!)
hahhahaha...aku smpi je...dye pon
"MARIAM!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" i just say thank you!heeeeeeeeXD
pas aina tu plak msk....dye msk je tros ah!
kat dpn pntu kls g..."Mariam!Happy Birthday!"
hbs sme bdk lki dlm kls aku dngr dye org pon
jerit happy birthday kat aku!happy gle kot!!!
ahahhahahahaha!thanx guys!love you all!
pas 2 time koko lgi best!bengong je sme!
ktrng skip permainan sbb nak reka baju
for students exchange program 2 nti...
so...for my birthday present...Daryl
promise me that he's gonna sing for me!
when i heard he sings...OMG!!!im about to
melted!!!he's voice is..well nice!love it!
thanx daryl!!!your my brother i love yah!
so time reka baju tu lak... sme nye cam
bengong je..nak bgi idea pon ssh ma!
krng sme memekak je!!!skt hti kot!
aku ngan ipin redho je tgk krng! bengang tau x?!
aku mrh krng nak soh diam nad lak ckp
aku emo!pehal lak?!aku nak soh org yg x dek
kne mngene 2 blah dri wat bsg wat skt hti er!
tpi aku plk au...time ktrng reka baju 2,
tetibe je ex-X aku yg x prnh betegor sape
since last year tetibe je tego aku!ape hal ngan
hri ni?! byk ngat bnde pelik & menggembirakan
aku terjadi!wah!ahahahhaha!
hmmm....ignore la psl 2...x pe la...
lps reka baju 2....walaupon ktrng x
dpt reka pape pon...ktrng akn jmpe g
ptg time org x ramai lak..
bru okai skt!wah!!!ahaha
So after that...ktrng pgi kat beg ktrng...
rpe-rpenye, iqin bwk tepong kot!!!
dye ngan aisyah kejar aku stu perhimpunan!
aku pecut kot!ahahaha!first time kot
aku lri laju gle!!!ahahahaaha!!!plk wo!!!ahahah
tetibe lak lps aku lri 2..ade bdk form 4
tnye nme aku...plk kot!ahahahha
so disebabkan drng x dpt tngkp aku hri ni...
drng cdng nak wat party ptg esk lak...
habis la aku!!!omma!!!shiro yo!!!aigooooo!!!
lps sme bnde 2..ktrng pon nak blk...
time ktrng nak trn tangge 2...iqin
pon g tau aku yg crush aku tngh pndng aku...
rpe2nye ade kwn aku ckp...time aku lari 2...
geng drng pndng je aku...malu kot!!!argghhhh!!!
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